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Saturday, January 01, 2005

Master List of Articles

E-mail your questions

Ask The Pastor: How it got started

If we forgive some one does that mean we have to like them? And trust them?

How can I know for sure I am going to heaven?

Are we required to forgive?

Is religious truth really knowable?

When a loved one passes away does their spirit “linger” for a time?

Are all sins equal in God’s eyes?

The Bible is not written as a “myth” nor is it one

What about the movie “White Noise” and Electric Voice Phenomenon? Part 2

What about the movie “White Noise” and Electric Voice Phenomenon? Part 1

Are all sins equal in God’s eyes? Part 2

With all the recent activities that have threatened our world, are we seeing some signs of the end times coming?

When my son recovered from a coma he said that while he was in a coma he had spoken to his grandfather. What do you think?

What does it mean to be born again?

What does it mean to be tolerant?

How do we as Christians show love to people who are intentionally rude, annoying or hurtful?

How do we talk to some one about God who doesn't want to hear? Part 1

What are the reasons people do not read or trust the Bible? Part 1

With the vastness of the universe and the greatness of God, do you think there are human like beings in other solar systems?

One question that has been on my mind a lot for several years is the question of desiring money

How Do you tell a pastor not to preach sermons he has taken off the internet as though they were his own?

What is God's purpose for creating us? Over all the centuries there have lived many billions of people. Why are we here? Does he have some use for all who are believers after we die?

Why are we here?

Is suicide an unforgivable sin?

How is the Bible’s authenticity attacked today? Can you say, "The Da Vinci Code?"

Da Vinci Code follow up question: "I also read the book but what is it about it that is attacking God? I can see it attacking the Catholic church."

Today’s Sermon attached: Why we do what we do matters to God. Acts 5

The oldest man who ever lived died before his father did?

Why do people not read or trust the Bible?

New granddaughter born

I've gone through some tough times and have read the book of Job many times, but can't comprehend it's lessons. Can you explain what we should learn?

Could you explain the Book of Revelation in 200 words or less?

God shaped assignments: What’s your?

Busy days----and the Rapture of the Church

Was there a special "resurrection of Moses" as some 7th Day Adventists believe?

Could you explain further your statement that "hermeneunitics" is a bad Bible Study method?

Does God speak to people audibly or give instructions in such a way that a person might describe them by saying, “God told me to…” or “God said to?

Is it wrong to use a “fleece” in determining God’s will for decisions in my life?

Prophecy Series Part 2: Glossary of Terms

Evangelism: You are more of an expert than you think.

What do you think about reincarnation?

Prophecy Series Part 3: Marching Toward the End

Prophecy Series Part 4: How and when the End will come: Can we know? Details regarding the Temple say yes.

Christ was crucified on Thursday and rose from the dead on Sunday just as planned

He walked through the Valley of the Shadow

If we don't forgive others, are we not forgiven by God and thus lose our salvation?

How provable is the Resurrection of Christ?

What is meant by the term “original sin?”

I just finished reading the Bible and am wondering what is really meant by “God’s grace?”

Are there activities of Satan going on in the world that God is powerless to stop?

Tour Israel with us – Spring 2006!

How do we as Christians show love to people who are intentionally rude, annoying or hurtful?”

Could you tell me some of the key elements of different denominations?

Can you take the Bible literally?

Can you take the Bible literally? Part 2

Been on a dead run the past couple of weeks. Sorry about that!

Sunday Sermon June 12, 2005 Ephesians 1:1-2

Sunday Sermon June 19: The Centerline of Faith Ephesians 1:3-9

What is the age of accountability?

Is it biblical for women to be pastors or to teach men?

Response to comment on 'What is the age of accountability' article.

Been working on this (see below).

How to Handle it When a Hurrican Hits Your Life

Please explain 2 Samuel 15:7 and why 40 years is recorded in the King James Version rather than 4 years.

What does it mean to have a personal relationship with God?

Sunday Sermon August 28th: Walking in a Manner Worthy of the Calling to Which We Have Been Called

Is Divorce Allowable from a Biblical Perspective?

If we do not forgive, will God not forgive us, and do we lose our salvation as a result?

It tears me up that my boyfriend watches porn. It makes me feel less than significant. Am I offbase here?

Sunday Sermon: Building Up the Body of Christ

The Urgency of our Task

Going through a hard time?

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