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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Busy Days....and the Rapture of the Church

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My apology for not getting out a daily blog lately. I was recently promoted to be the head of Internet Marketing and Analysis for the company I work for, and so have had a few extra things on my plate.

That and having a new grandbaby born a week and half ago have kept me hopping.

I'll try to do better!

I'm thinking of doing a series here on Prophecy, but I don't want to bore those who may be in a searching process and looking for subjects other than things like the End Times.

Any thoughts on that? If so, give me a shout.

Just a teaser as to some of the things we might cover: Did you know that contrary to popular belief there isn't a single passage in the Bible that tell us we won't know the day of the Rapture? No, I'm not kidding.

Here's a beginning assignment for you: go read Matthew 24, and ask yourself just one question: When Jesus says that we won't know the day or hour of his coming, (with all that language about a "thief" coming at an unknown time, and one being taken and one being left etc.) what "coming" is he speaking of? (The answer is in the chapter by the way....check out verses 29-31)

If the light bulb goes on, you may find yourself taking in a deep breath of shock, so go back and read it again and again just to be sure. Be like the Bereans who "searched the Scriptures" (not the bookstores) "to see if these things were so." (Just kidding on the book stores...we need all the help we can get from each other and books are a huge and important part of that! But you get my point.)

Have a good one folks. More later.


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