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Monday, February 28, 2005

Prophecy Series Part 1: Introduction

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Prophecy Series Part 1: Introduction

Given the interest in Bible Prophecy that was both evidenced and revealed by the popularity of the Left Behind series written by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins I thought it might be helpful to take some time in a forum like this to do a series explaining and discussing certain aspects of what are called End Times Prophecies.

Many people, both Christian and non-Christian, are interested in the subject. I know that as a young person long before I was ever a believer in Christ as I am today, I was fascinated with the Book of Revelation with its cryptic phrases and comments about the coming end of the age. I was unaware of passages in Daniel and Isaiah and 1 Corinthians etc., that also talked of such things.

And yet as interested as I was I didn’t have anyone to help me unravel its meaning. The Book of Revelation was a mystery to me.

Certainly it is not the case today that we don’t have a great deal of help in unraveling the mysteries of Revelation and the subject of Eschatology, which is the technical name for the subject of End Times Prophecy. There are many books written on the subjects.

However what I often find as I read, is that certain aspects of Bible prophecy are not presented as clearly as they could be, and frequently writers have missed key passages in their explanations that would help their readers connect the dots of End Times prophecy more effectively. Moreover, I have often found that passages that clearly speak of one event in Prophecy are being attached to another, confusing the reader and misapplying the passages.

It should be said at the beginning of this series that no one has completely figured out this subject of Prophecy, as I’ll call it for short. There are a variety of “positions” on both the timelines and the meanings of several of the aspects of End Times prophecy. So while I will clearly present my own views on the subject, know that there are others that are held by people of equal or more likely, greater scholarship on the subject.

Having differing views on this subject should not be a polarizing thing. To cite one example, and I’ll explain more about this in another entry, while I hold what is called a “Mid-Tribulation” view of the Rapture of the Church, I am rooting like crazy for the “Pre-Tribulation” crowd to be right!

For those of you who don’t know what those terms mean, relax, I will explain them as we go along. For those who do know what the terms mean I am sure you see my point and are laughing your heads off in agreement with the philosophy if not the position!

What I hope to show during this series on Prophecy, is that Bible Prophecy is in great measure knowable. The mysteries have been greatly revealed by the scholarship of many over the years, and I believe by the progressive unveiling of the truth by the Lord through his Word, the Bible.

I will also show that there is strong agreement in the Bible believing world about the events that yet lay before us in Bible Prophecy, events that seem to be unfolding right before our eyes.

Whatever differences we may have in terms of our varying views of Prophecy, those differences are related more to the timing of events, rather than whether such events will take place. Or those differences relate more toward “who” the players will be in the unfolding drama, rather than whether the drama will unfold in a certain way.

So there is strong agreement on the major outline of what we are about to discuss. Make no mistake about that.

For that reason I can repeat my comment both with humor and with sincerity that while I hold a Mid-Tribulation view of the Rapture, I am rooting like crazy for the Pre-Tribulationists to be right and for me to be wrong! In other words, having a differing view as to a "Pre-Mid-Post Tribulation" Rapture doesn't have to be a dividing point.

We agree that the Rapture is going to take place and I am hoping like crazy that I have misunderstood the Scriptures and that the Pre-Tribbers are right. You might say I’m on their side. In my view that unites us, not divides us.

So I hope that as we go through this series, seeing the large number of things Bible believing Christians agree on, that your approach to Bible Prophecy likewise will be that of a uniter not a divider.

Far too often nuances of this subject have divided people. Rather than focusing in on our clear agreements, people have allowed the minor points of difference to become litmus tests of “Biblical Correctness.” Brothers and sisters, if I might address the believers who are reading, it ought not be so.

So tune in over the next while and I’ll do my best to open up some of the fascinating aspects that make up the subject of Bible Prophecy relating to the End Times. And if you have questions or if I have not explained something clearly enough, please e-mail in your questions/comments so I can address them.

And if the Rapture happens before I am able to finish the series, we’ll discuss this in heaven! (Of course if the Rapture does happen before I finish the series, it will mean that the Pre-Tribber’s were right! Would that it were so!)

More to come in the next entry as I provide a glossary of terms so we can talk short-hand in the articles to come.

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