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Updating the Blog

  AUGUST 14, 2020 

I am updating this blog right now after not writing in it much over the past several years.  Recently due to the worldwide pandemic many people have been asking, "Are we nearing the end of the age?"  The announcement yesterday of a peace treaty between Israel and the UAE is also something that raises questions in people's minds due to what the Bible says about a peace treaty being in place with Israel happening as we near the return of Christ.

To give you the short version of an answer to people's questions, the Peace Treaty between Israel and the UAE is highly significant as a precursor/hint that we are getting closer to the end of the age.  It is too long to explain here right now but keep your eyes peeled over the years to come for EXACTLY this kind of peace treaty with other Arab nations.

When such a treaty brings the total of the Arab nations to 10, and likely signed around Passover time, it will mark the beginning of the last 7 years commonly called The Tribulation.

For those who are interested specifically on understanding the book of Revelation, I will soon be posting in this blog the audio files of some 52 sermons I preached on the book of Revelation that will take you through the book verse by verse.

I'll also be editing the posts from years past to bring them up to date adjusting the look and feel of the site.  Thanks for your patience as I do.  In the interim see below for an updated overview.


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