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Monday, January 31, 2005

The oldest man who ever lived died before his father did?

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Brain teaser

Sorry there are no major updates today. Busy morning

...wake up at 4:00
...swing my golf clubs in the living room on my grip change on my turn and club head release
...check out the news...
...answer some e-mail
...listen to Don Imus
...and the Golf Channel
...and ESPN
...and Squawk Box
...have a cup of coffee
...head to the gym to play basketball for an hour
...get the daylights beaten out of me by the high school guys on the court
...(Ok, we actually kicked their backsides, but it sounds more humble to say it the other way....)
...fill up the truck with gas
...home by 7:20 to shower and get to work.
...major marketing presentation to do final prep for and give with the marketing team today....

So, here's a brain teaser for you. Drop your answers in the Comment area below or e-mail them if you want to. We'll see if anyone gets this.

This isn't hard, but it may sound like it at first: The oldest man who ever lived died before his father did.

How is that possible?

Have a good day, and I hope to see some comments here later!

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